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  • sugar and spice quilt pattern
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January 15, 2024
A Weekly Update ~ Sugar -N- Spice Quilt from Podunk Pretties

 Hello Quilty Friends!  If plan A doesn't work, there's 25more  letters in the alphabet.  In the last week all 25 were needed...and more.  It wasn't a bad week, I could think of far worse things that could have happened.  So we'll just call it an eventful week.  The picture below is the Sugar -N- Spice quilt.  The top three borders have been finally been quilted.

I should have said they have been quilted several times.  You can see the ripped out stitches in the picture below.  The circles and arcs were suppose to line up ...

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January 2, 2024
Spicing Things Up from Podunk Pretties

 Hello Quilty Friends!  It's time to spice up the studio.  I can't take one more day of playing with denim and flannel.  It's like I'm creating my very own gray cloud right here in the studio.  We've had enough of that outside for the last few days.  No sunshine, just gray clouds, muddy landscape and cold winds.

You would think my brightly decorated studio would be enough happy colors to keep me happy.  Nope I need to play with bright fabrics.  That's what feeds my soul during yukky cold winters here in Indiana.  

The ...

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February 25, 2021
Squaring up Quilt Blocks with Embellishments from Podunk Pretties

 Squaring up quilt blocks is not something I typically need to do.  But with applique blocks it's the best way to ensure your blocks will finish at the correct size.  Even the best of quilters can have some shrinking of background fabric during the applique process.  So as a general rule applique background fabric is cut 1-3 inches larger than the finished size of the block then trimmed to the correct size after the applique is stitched in place.  Most the time the trimming down is fairly simple process. Just press the block and square up to the correct ...

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February 10, 2021
Simple Chain Blocks from Podunk Pretties

 Well yesterday didn't go quite as planned.  The 15 easy chain blocks could have easily been put together.  But you know how it is, you can plan but sometimes the powers that be have other plans.  Not that it was a horrible day, nothing bad happened.  Since it's just us I'll tell you a secret.  I screen phone calls.  There's a handful of people at the top of my list of "you must answer".  Almost everyone of them called yesterday.  So that's my excuse and I don't regret it but it was a little ...

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February 9, 2021
Quilting Paused for a Minor Surgery from Podunk Pretties

 The progress of the Sugar and Spice quilt is moving along at a pretty good rate. I'm not used to working with a kit so I'm being very careful when cutting the fabrics. Included in the instructions is a cutting warning added by the quilt shop not the quilt designer.  Most of the fabrics in this can not be found anymore.   All of the background fabric is cut and I have about 10" x WOF leftover.  Yah! Adding it to my stash.   

Today I 'll start the strip piecing and subcutting for the chain blocks.  This method of ...

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February 8, 2021
Mount Yo-Yo is Active! from Podunk Pretties

Big hugs to all my quilting friends.  The weekend didn't produce as much as I had planned but at least there was some progress on the Sugar and Spice quilt Blocks.  Machine stitching the dresden's and yo-yo's made this so much easier.  It was a little tricky on the yo-yo's but with a slow and steady pace they came together quicker than I thought they would.

As usual I used Superior Threads Mono-Poly Invisible Monofilament thread.  It is second to none in my opinion.  After years of trying other clear threads I was so leery about ...

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February 6, 2021
Baby It's Cold Outside! from Podunk Pretties

 Yesterday's batting run into town was a real adventure.  It was so cold.  The weather app on my phone said it was 28 degrees.  But in a tiny little whisper font under 28 it said, feels like 16.  In my mind I thought it should read more like this. 


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  • sugar and spice quilt pattern
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